Candy Chat
Delete my Candy Chat account?
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Yes,please delete my account
After the Candy Chat Chat account is deleted,you will not be able to log in and use this Candy Chat account, norwill you be able to retrieve any content or informationrelated to this Candy Chat account, including but notlimited to:
1.The account information that the individual hassubmitted, the friends that Candy Chat is following eachother, and other information.
2.Content data such as fans and followers.
3.The relevant records used by this Candy Chataccount will not be retrieved. You will no longer be ableto log in and use the above services, and the assets orvirtual rights and other property benefits you haveobtained through the above services will be deemed tohave been given up by you, and you will not be able tocontinue using them. You understand and agree thatCandy Chat cannot assist you to restore the aboveservices.
4.The virtual assets gold coins, gifts, VlP membersand other information in the account will be invalidatedand deleted.Please confirm that there are no assets ovirtual rights in the account. The asset virtual rights anoother property benefits you have obtained are deemedto be waived by you and will not be able to continue tobe used. You understand and agree that you will giveup Candy Chat's assets or rights, and Candy Chat wilnot be able to assist you in restoring the aboveservices, nor will you be able to retrieve any content orinformation related to your account.
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